On the 9th of May at 9pm, UNSW BITSA brought 50 representatives to participate in the Redbull Wings for Life charity run at Centennial Park. BITSA joined 925 000 participants from across the world, in running at the same time to support the Redbull Wings for Life to help find a cure for spinal cord injury. Wings for Life is a non-profit foundation that seeks to support and fund research for clinical studies and projects around the world.
As most students had recently completed their Term 1 exams, this was a good opportunity to
only catch up, meet and socialise with other students, whilst contributing to a good to cause.
As the siren went off to initiate the event, participants had 30 minutes to cover as much distance as possible, before a Catcher Car began its pursuit, which passed the runners one after the other. Participants who couldn’t make it on the night ran their part at home, and were able to track their progress and support their team through the Wings for Life app.
Our top runners were Noah Kreklenburg and Ramon Zhang, who each ran 18km before the
Catcher Car caught them. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who showed great
enthusiasm and gave it their best on the night, and to the Philanthropy Portfolio for organising and coordinating a successful and impactful event.